A/C Monthly Protection Plan

Save Money Insuring & protecting your a/c 24/7 365 days a year

Protect Your Home’s Air Conditioning With Our Monthly Protection Plans

LTA Monthly Maintenance Membership Plans

Choose an A/C HVAC monthly insurance & protection plan for our VIP Clients to ensure your air conditioning runs at peak performance. They not only include regular maintenance, but also Special Priority on service calls, discounts on parts & service, and are guaranteed to save you money in the long run. You don’t drive your car without changing the oil, why would you not maintain your air conditioning unit regularly to keep you home cool and family happy.

Call (877) 227-7670 to enroll today!

Pricing Plans


Includes 2 Maintenance Visits Per Year


A/C Inspection

VIP Priority Status

1 Free Service Call In Event Your Unit needs Service

$50 OFF Emergency Service Calls


Includes 2 Maintenance & Tune-Up Visits Per Year


A/C Inspection & Tune Up

VIP Next Day Scheduling

10% OFF All Labor & Repairs

5% OFF On New AC Units

1 Free Service Calls Included

$50 OFF Emergency Service Calls

Most Popular


Includes 4 Maintenance & Tune-Up Visits Per Year


A/C Inspection & Tune Up

VIP Same Day Scheduling

10% OFF All Labor & Repairs

10% OFF All New Products & Labor

5% OFF On New AC Units

2 Free Service Calls Included

$50 OFF Emergency Service Calls


Includes 2 Maintenance Visits Per Year


A/C Inspection

VIP Priority Status

1 Free Service Call In Event Your Unit needs Service

$50 OFF Emergency Service Calls


Includes 2 Maintenance & Tune-Up Visits Per Year


A/C Inspection & Tune Up

VIP Next Day Scheduling

10% OFF All Labor & Repairs

5% OFF On New AC Units

1 Free Service Calls Included

$50 OFF Emergency Service Calls

Most Popular


Includes 4 Maintenance & Tune-Up Visits Per Year


A/C Inspection & Tune Up

VIP Same Day Scheduling

10% OFF All Labor & Repairs

10% OFF All New Products & Labor

5% OFF On New AC Units

2 Free Service Calls Included

$50 OFF Emergency Service Calls

The Importance of Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance Services

As temperatures rise during scorching summers, air conditioning becomes a vital aspect of our lives, providing comfort and respite from the sweltering heat. However, to ensure your air conditioning system continues to function efficiently and effectively, regular maintenance is essential. Regular air conditioning maintenance services not only enhance system performance but also offer several other important benefits that can save you money, extend the lifespan of your unit, and improve indoor air quality. In this article, we will delve into the significance of regular AC maintenance services.

1. Increased Energy Efficiency:
Air conditioning units that are not properly maintained can gradually lose their efficiency over time. Dust, dirt, and debris accumulate in the system, hindering airflow and causing the unit to work harder to achieve the desired temperature. By scheduling routine maintenance, professionals can clean the system, replace or clean filters, and address any potential issues. This results in improved energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and lower utility bills.

2. Prolonged Lifespan:
Just like any other mechanical equipment, air conditioning systems require regular care and attention to ensure their longevity. Regular maintenance can help identify and address minor issues before they turn into major problems that can lead to costly repairs or even system failure. By scheduling routine inspections, cleaning, and servicing, you can extend the lifespan of your AC unit, ensuring it serves you for many years to come.

3. Optimal Performance:
When your air conditioning system receives regular maintenance, it operates at its peak performance levels. Regular servicing includes checking refrigerant levels, lubricating moving parts, tightening electrical connections, and inspecting overall system performance. These tasks help identify any potential issues and enable technicians to make necessary adjustments, ensuring your AC unit functions optimally, providing consistent cooling throughout your space.

4. Enhanced Air Quality:
The air we breathe indoors has a direct impact on our health and well-being. An unmaintained air conditioning system can accumulate dust, allergens, mold, and other contaminants, which are then circulated throughout your living or working environment. Routine maintenance involves cleaning and replacing air filters, removing accumulated debris, and inspecting ductwork for leaks or contamination. By improving indoor air quality, regular AC maintenance helps create a healthier and more comfortable environment for you and your loved ones.

5. Cost Savings:
While some people may consider regular maintenance as an unnecessary expense, it is actually a wise investment that can save you money in the long run. By identifying and resolving minor issues early on, you can prevent major breakdowns that require expensive repairs or even complete system replacements. Moreover, a well-maintained AC unit operates more efficiently, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower monthly utility bills.

Regular air conditioning maintenance services are crucial for keeping your system running smoothly and efficiently. From improved energy efficiency and prolonged lifespan to optimal performance and enhanced air quality, the benefits of routine maintenance are undeniable. By investing in regular AC maintenance, you not only ensure your comfort during hot summer months but also protect your investment and enjoy long-term cost savings. Schedule your next maintenance service today and reap the rewards of a well-maintained air conditioning system.

Call (877) 227-7670 to enroll today!